Why TMTS? In Illinois, we have adopted the TMTS terminology instead of Alternate Care Site (ACS) as this is a better descriptor.

T=Temporary, these are temporary operational facilities

M=Medical, describes the function of the space

T=Treatment, describes the type of service provided

The subject of providing emergent medical care in non-hospital settings is complicated. The need for such measures would likely only be because of a catastrophe that requires the evacuation of a population or an event that paralyzes or destroys the local health care infrastructure. The set-up and operation of a Temporary Medical Treatment Station (TMTS) requires collaboration with local, regional and state healthcare providers, stakeholders and officials. A disaster declaration will usually be required.  Scope of care (acuity level of patients) should be pre-determined and based on a well-defined mission. For instance, cohorting stable isolation patients.  This guide is only for adult patients.

This provisional guide is meant to be a resource for healthcare providers and emergency managers to use as a resource to set-up and operate a Temporary Medical Treatment Station in response to a catastrophic emergency.  The guide is specifically designed to be useful during TMTS training or an actual event.

You can download the entire TMTS guide or visit the sections of the site to get more details and download the individual pieces you need.  These documents are constantly evolving and should be considered a draft to serve as a starting point for your individual needs.  As you review and use these documents, please comment here on this site or send your feedback to us.  We are always making changes and improvements based on feedback.

Full TMTS Guide for you to explore

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